Just Call Me Internet
Just Call Me Internet.iso
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175 lines
Good day, and welcome to JNOS for the ATARI ST/TT/FALCON line of computers.
Knowing very well you wish to get this software running as fast a possible,
here is a short list of what needs to be done:
NOTICE: This software is provided as is, with no warrenties of any kind.
User takes full resonsibility in the use/misuse of this software.
Author(s) not resonsible for any negative/positive effects rising
out of the use of this software. Software for non-profit /
non-commercial use only. Freeware!
Find an ASCII text editor and edit the following files.
# /* addr 0 = Parallel Port.
# * 1 = Default Serial port.
# * 2 = Console.
# * 3 = MIDI.
# * 4 = Intelligent Keyboard Controller.
# * 5 = Raw Console.
# ** For Mega STE ******************************
# 6 = Modem 1 (ST compatible).
# 7 = Modem 2 (SCC channel B).
# 8 = Serial 2 (SCC channel A).
# ** For TT. ***********************************
# 6 = Modem 1 (ST compatible).
# 7 = Modem 2 (SCC channel B).
# 8 = Serial 1 (3-wire TT MFP).
# 9 = Serial 2 (SCC channel A).
# ** For Falcon030
# 6 = Modem 1 (SCC channel B).
# 7 = LAN (SCC channel A).
# attach asy addr 1 type portname serialbuffersize MTU Comp2ModemBaudRate
# Maximum Serial buffer of the atariSt is 32768
# MTU will always be 256 for AX25 operations.
This assigns the path of communications from the Computer to the TNC/MODEM
through modem 1. See above for other ports (addr).
# attach asy addr 1 type portname serialbuffersize MTU Comp2ModemBaudRate
attach asy 1 1 ax25 2m 32767 256 19200
ip address
^------------- Change to your IP address. Find regional
coordinator for IP address.
hostname kd6geo
^--------------- Place your call here.
ax25 mycall kd6geo
^------------ Place your call here. TCPIP link ax25 call.
ax25 bctext "KD6GEO TCP-IP Copperas Cove, TX\r\nTCP/IP KD6GEO, TTY -1, BBS -3 NETROM -5, CONF -6\r\n"
^------------ This is your beacon text. Change as required.
"\n\r" are carrage return and line feed characters.
ax25 alias GEOBOX
^------------ AX25 BBS alias. (Dont work when netrom alias used).
ax25 bbscall KD6GEO-3
^----------- Call used by AX25 stations to connect to the
ax25 ttycall KD6GEO-1
^----------- Call used by AX25 stations to start keyboard to
keyboard connects.
convers mycall KD6GEO-6
^--------- For AX25 stations to directly connect to the
conference bridge.
netrom call KD6GEO-5
^------------ Call for your netrom node.
netrom alias #GEOIP
^----------- Netrom alias. '#' hides entry in some nodes lists
smtp gate
^-------------- If you have a smtp gateway this is the ip address
of that station.
mbox qth "Copperas Cove, TX USA"
^--------------- Your station QTH.
mbox utc -8
^--------------- Offset time between UTC and local time.
mbox zipcode 76522
^----------- Zipcode for QTH location.
mbox haddress N5RKJ.#CTX.TX.USA.NOAM
^---------- Where you normaly receive ax25 packet mail.
mbox password "kd6geo"
^---------- For accessing you mbox.
The rest of these assigns hot keys, for various operations. Change
as you see fit.
fkey 59 "session 1\n"
fkey 60 "session 2\n"
fkey 61 "session 3\n"
fkey 62 "session 4\n"
fkey 63 "session 5\n"
fkey 64 "c 2m n5rkj\n"
fkey 65 "c 2m n5fwi-7 hamka\n"
fkey 66 "ping n6rkj\n"
fkey 67 "c 2m ipcqu W5JEH-5 817105\n"
For accessing BBS user/sysop must have an entry in the ftpusers file.
Example entry:
anonymous * public 59
anon * public 59
guest * public 59
bbs * public 59
kd6geo robert D:\ 63
<name> <password> [<drive:></rootdir>;</root2>] <#perms>]...
1st word is the login word, 2nd is Valid password. The '*' indicates to
JNOS that any password will allow access to the system. The third entry
"public" is the upper directory user has access to. The fourth entry is
the access level (see below).
Name: value (hex)
FTP_READ 1 0x1 /* Read files */
FTP_CREATE 2 0x2 /* Create new files */
FTP_WRITE 4 0x4 /* Overwrite or delete existing files */
AX25_CMD 8 0x8 /* AX.25 gateway operation allowed */
TELNET_CMD 16 0x10 /* Telnet gateway operation allowed */
NETROM_CMD 32 0x20 /* NET/ROM gateway operation allowed */
SYSOP_CMD 64 0x40 /* Remote sysop access allowed */
EXCLUDED_CMD 128 0x80 /* This user is banned from the BBS */
/* 256 and 512 are used in PPP*/
NO_SENDCMD 1024 0x400 /* Disallow send command */
NO_READCMD 2048 0x800 /* Disallow read command */
NO_3PARTY 4096 0x1000 /* Disallow third-party mail */
IS_BBS 8192 0x2000 /* This user is a bbs */
IS_EXPERT 16384 0x4000 /* This user is an expert */
NO_CONVERS 32768 0x8000 /* Disallow convers command */
NO_ESCAPE 65536 0x10000 /* Default is no escape char */
NO_LISTS 131072 0x20000 /* No lists displayed from mailbox */
NO_LINKEDTO 262144 0x40000 /* Disable '*** linked to' */
Example access level:
If you want the user to have read/write file permission, access to the
gateways then the follow code will be required.
access code = 1+4+8+16+32 = 61
***** MODT.TXT
General Connect message. See current file for example.
***** MREG.TXT
If connecting BBS user need to register, this is the message they
will see.
This is the message see when user connect to the conference bridge.
Translation file for IP address. Can be found on most TCPIP AX25
stations. Regional specific information. Example file is for
central Texas area.
autoexec.nos, ftpusers, domain.txt, modt.txt, mreg.txt, convmotd.txt,
and onexit.nos files must remain in the same root or directory as
from where the program was run from. Previous versions of STNOS required
the files to be located in the root directory. This restriction has been
All other questions can be directed to the file JN_CMD02.TXT. This file
list the use of the various JNOS commands. Some of the information from
this file is specific to the IBM PC (MSDOS) version.
If you have any questions and bug reports. I can be reached at:
INET r.stilesstil@genie.geis.com
AX25 kd6geo@n5rkj.#ctx.tx.usa.noam
Enjoy, Robert KD6GEO